The local system II is populated onto the global system, creating a 3-dimensional surface aggregation of thermal pockets, with the sustainable strategies implemented. The strategy offers besides the use solar and wind energy a panelised envelope, programmable with a variety of different properties as colouration, transparencies and openings.
Model with local system II facing north and south directions.
Model with local system II facing east and west directions.
Dear Isak...Nive work, but..I think you also soon shall have some fundamental considerations with respect to choice of possible structural systems ..
Best regards
Indeed! They must be incorporated to a higher extend. I have in fact been sketching structural concepts along with the two local system, as the illustration of the first local system vaguely indicates. My idea is to introduce a structural system that follow the logics of the components, to which a performative morphology arise in both environmental and structural perspectives. Will try to post material the next days indicating the ideas...
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